Dec 8, 2008

Problem #9

Mr. Maynard was offered $18 000 to produce the movies his class are creating. Since the students are working so hard he has decided to split this sum up evenly to all of the 27 students in the class.

1) What does Mr. Maynard do?

2) If he is to ensure all the money is used up (no remainders), how much will each student get?

*** remember to write out your thinking (What place value will you round to?)

Nov 25, 2008

Problem #8

When we problem solve we can think of the three R's.

STEP 1: Identify the request.
What does the problem ask for?

STEP 2: Respond to the request.
Ask " How Would I Find Out ? "

STEP 3: Generate the result.
Ask "What does the result tell me?"

Read this poem, and find the result..

My towing rope was cut in half
and half was thrown away.
The other half was cut again
one third along the way.
The longer part (ten metres length)
is what I use today.
But how long was my towing rope
before this cutting fray?

A Question to help you think about this problem..
1) What number will you start with?

Nov 11, 2008

Problem #7

Why does this method work? What is the logic?

The following are 4 guiding questions to help you explain your thinking..
1) What were you thinking when you watched the movie?
2) What is Mr. Maynard asking me to do?
3) How can I make the example shown on the movie less complex to help me understand how it works?
4) Why does it work?

Oct 28, 2008

Problem # 6

The Pen Problem

An Average ballpoint pen can produce a line 2100m long. In contrast, a pencil has 18 times longer "life span".

1) About how many kilometers would a pencil line be?

2) How many pens would you have to use up to draw a line as long as the circumference of the Earth (40 000km)?

3) How many Pencils to draw a line as long as the circumference of the Earth?

Write your answers and your thinking and post it as a comment below. (You must post before next Tuesday)

Oct 21, 2008

Problem # 5

The Budgie Problem

A bird collector wants to buy 100 budgies and wants to spend exactly $100. Blue budgies cost $10 each, green budgies cost $3 each and yellow budgies cost 50 cents each ($0.50). The collector wants to purchase at least one budgie of each colour. How many blue, green, and yellow budgies could he buy?

Remember.. key words (Exactly $100)

Oct 15, 2008

Problem #4

The Penny Problem

If you had 9 pennies that fit on a 3x3 grid, and they were positioned so all the pennies were face down except the one in the middle. Could you end up with all the pennies facing the same direction if you could only flip all the pennies in each row or column?

Problem # 3

The Locker Problem

There are 150 lockers numbered 1 to 150, all shut and unlocked. The school has 150 students. Suppose the first student goes along and opens every locker (starting at locker number 1). The second student shuts every second locker. The third student then changes the state of every third locker beginning with locker number 3 (If the locker is shut the student opens it, if the locker is open the student would shut it). The fourth student changes the state of every fourth locker beginning with locker number 4. Imagine that this pattern continues until every student (1-150) have followed this pattern. At the end, how many lockers will be open? Explain your thinking.

Sep 17, 2008


Visit this site, play the simulation, and answer the question below.

Why is estimation a math skill?