Sep 17, 2008


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Why is estimation a math skill?


Anonymous said...

Estimating is a math tool because it is very convenient for when you done want to add numbers menally so just add them in yor head.Or even if you are stuck on a math question then just estimate.For example when you are trying to beat ganandorf in legend of zelda you estimate how many more hit until you beat him.......Kieran Green

Anonymous said...

Estimation is a math skill because when you dont have time or have litel time or even if ure just to lazyyou can estimate to be faster or save time so you can do stuff later with ure family or friends

gump said...

why estamution a math tool so you dont do it the long way and counting by twos. It is good if you have lots of money and you split the money into 5 dollar bills.It is good if you have lots of food then you estimate. if you are it school neet to estimate. you into 25.

hugheser said...

Estimating is very convenient because it saves time. aalso sometimes you do not have enough time to do counting in your head so you can estimate. but sometimes you are just to lazy. estimating is also good because you just need to estimate because there might be to much things to count. that is why estimating is a good math tool.

duretter said...

Estimation is a math skill because when you dont have time or have little time or even if your just lazy you can estimate to be faster or save time so you can do stuff late with family or friends